Tommy Quick Tommy Quick

Happy in my hoodies on any day!

Well, we’ve (mainly me on this one) been busy, designing some new KICKASS merch!

Dark Colour version. Link on picture.

There’s plenty more we’re that came from, AKA the merch store!

I’ve also got a bit of advice on what else is needed, that’s a solid start though!

Hoping to get a bit of filming done this week, fingers crossed and then it’d be editing a cracking down on to sponsorship, that’s the general gist and direction.

No Hoodie, Link in picture

If you want to get involved, contact us and we will get back to you!

PS the full range of clothing is on the Merch site.

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Tommy Quick Tommy Quick


From sailing 4 stroke to riding 3 points of Tassie.

These are Glenn’s words.

I have been a Merchant Seaman for almost 20 years

I have sailed on all sorts of vessels and worked on ships for many years. You could say that I have salt air in my blood. I saw my future self-working on ships until I was too old to walk the gangway.

But, like so many, my life was upended by a stroke.

In August 2020, I woke up with a pain in my jaw, but I didn’t think much of it. I drove to a mate's bakery and clipped another car on the way. It was very unlike me to have an accident; I was a very good driver with a clean record.

When I arrived at the bakery, I was slurring my words, limping and my arm was dangling. I had all the common signs of a stroke, but I didn’t know it. So, I went straight home.

I must have blacked out. I regained consciousness with my dog Miley licking my face and the phone ringing. By this time my neighbour had already called an ambulance as they had seen me moving oddly, earlier that day.

I spent three weeks in the acute ward and two months in rehab. And tests showed that I had a hole in my heart from birth. I had a PFO closure.

I had to learn everything again, to walk, to talk and do everyday activities. Stroke is like having the floor ripped out from under you. It’s a challenge and I have to focus on my mental health. I learned early on how important your mindset is. But it’s something I have to continuously work on. Emotions can creep up on you. And of course, Stroke doesn’t discriminate age. I always thought it only happened to older people until now

I find purpose in building stroke awareness in my community. I think things would have been different for me if I had known earlier that I was having a stroke.

Giving back to my community brings me a lot of joy. I run a raffle each week at the Mornington Yacht Club to raise money for our Sailability Program. 

Now I’ve got a new challenge in takin’ on Tassie with Tommy in mid-March 2025 on our recumbent trike!

You can help us by:

Riding with us for a part or whole journey, contact us.   

Buying the shirts and hoodies

Following us and donating

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Tommy Quick Tommy Quick

Takin’ on Tassie

You are probably aware (it’s been all over the socials!)  we are doing TASSIE in 2025 and we’ve locked in the dates.  We’ll be starting in mid March, 15th - 17th and completing the journey on about the 11th of April.  Obviously the exact dates cannot be locked in as yet due to various factors.

Scroll down to see the route, or click on this link to access the planned route.

We’ve chucked it on a shirt and a hoodie to make things a whole lot easier!

Who did the design?  It was a collaborative effort by three stroke survivors. Glenn, one of these stroke survivors is going to ride with me to each of the  3 points of Tassie!

You can follow him on Instagram.  Like me he has his own story to tell on how he’s got to where he is today. I’ll sit down and have a yarn with him about his journey later on.

The question is: why are we doing this?  A lot of people who know me will understand the reason.  But, to take a walk in mine or Glenn’s shoes is another story.  For this reason we are reducing the km’s ridden per day and increasing the conversations had  (there’s another shirt for that) by more talks in schools, Rotaries, Lions clubs, pubs. Well, to pretty much anyone who will listen!  We will speak about ‘the after life’,  what it’s like to live with a disability, how it is so important to include everyone in every conversation, the walk at my pace attitude and  knowing the FAST acronym?

Here is what you’ve been waiting for, the one the only the simple Tassie!

Also, if you have or know any contacts in Tassie please get in touch!

That’s it for now

From the 4 points team

Take care!

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