What a few weeks it’s been, I’d say one of the best rides of my life! That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been pretty incognito, hence the lack of socials as well as blogs.. but I’m back, back in the saddle with a crash helmet because we’ve just ticked over the 250 days till we start The Ride from Steep Point.
So what has happened in the past few weeks? Uni is DONE FOREVER! Well at least till I do another course… I’d like to say a big thanks to all those who helped me over the six years of ‘that’ journey, I really wouldn’t be in this position without them! It feels so good to use that past tense there haha! So you can probably guess how my emotions are right now, on a high and extremely happy!
Another reason I’ve been all incognito is my bike has been in for mods again but this time the upgrade is to cleats…. ‘I’ve finally done it Mum, I’m off my L’s!’. Although when I got it back on Friday I had a sore right knee for a few days, I’ve self-diagnosed and worked out that the reason why the pain is the foot length adjustment as well as the cleats transition, also had a little bit of help from a neuro-physio so that was handy!
First ride back yesterday was just a leisurely 10km, nothing special, just ticking the boxes off the big list. My knee did balloon up with a lot of inflammation, as expected though, it hasn’t really been used until yesterday… Basically, I’ve got to start from scratch again.. Nah not really I’ve just reassessed my goals and to put it into simple terms, by the end of July 2021 I’ll want to
A) be doing a 3x80km ride outdoors in a row.
B) be able to ride 750m of elevation in a day.
That’s the far point and it looks a long way off, however I’ll break it down day by day, week by week, month by month, it already doesn’t look so bad. The hashtag I’ll be using is #serioustraining - I feel it’s fitting!
I’m kinda excited and at the same time more daunted, the main cause is the time… time seems to be a common problem/point. And only time will tell!!
Anyway, Where are we with sponsorships? We’ve got a few feelers out, through contacts in the local area, no promises. We won’t get anywhere if we don’t ask. Gotta have a go to get a go...
So what's the next step? I’d like to start contacting newspapers, TV stations and radios, get it out there even more is my opinion. I also think we will have to have another meeting in the next week or two to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Also, I’ve got a few more things in the works but I’ll save that for maybe the next blog… you know to build your suspense!
Anyway I’m out, until next time.