Shaving your head doesn’t make you go any faster, trust me.

So, we started pitching to a few companies. When I say we I mean Mark. I have no idea how to do it, wouldn’t know where to start! I’ll learn as we go. I’ve already learnt a lot about creating websites. With me, I’m very ‘scared’ (I think is the fitting word) to fail in the academic side of things… So having mates there to help you and teach you is really my approach to learning. Anyway, that’s a side story, we are waiting to hear back from them, fingers crossed!

On the website, I’ve transferred the route I’d made into a more readable detailed excel spreadsheet about the ride and the exact locations we should be each day. I suppose you could say my predictions. So I expect leaving from Steep Point on the 2nd of August by mid-December in 2021 I should be in Sydney. Now, I just need to work out how to put it on the web and have the ability to change it on a day to day basis. Also, I’ve got to plan further ahead, when to leave from Sydney to head up north, got to get the timing right because I don’t want to head up too early and have to wait around until after the Wet. I’m thinking at this stage about the 20th or so of January 2022 but will see, I’ve got some time to think about it. 

Talking about academic learning, I’ve started back at uni, I’m surprisingly liking the subject. Social Bases of Health: Global Perspective. It’s basically about the determinants of health. One of the assessments (last week for me) you get to do a creative output piece eg infographic or a poster but I’ve chosen to make it into a rap song about SES (socio-economic status), the social gradient, and health inequalities in regards to health promotion. With the topic being, you probably could have guessed, stroke! I’ll keep you posted on how I go in the next blogs I do.  

On the human-powered vehicle, I did the retest (Goal 3) outdoors, and my view is I SMASHED IT! From memory was something like 14.8km’s per hour average, It was certainly one of my more positive tests. So now it’s just maintenance, steady-state. It should be easy right? It won’t be I’ll tell you that right now! I need stimulus or my mental strength weakens dramatically. So I’m just going to mix it up, like this week my goal will be 100km cumulative throughout the week and next week I’ll spin the bottle and see where it lands. 

It’ll hopefully keep me motivated enough and I’m hoping that in turn, it’ll keep my emotions at bay.

What am I feeling ‘right now’? 

Pretty steady-state to be honest, nothing to get me really worried about, that’s a good thing! That’ll probably change when I head towards the last weeks of uni block cause I have the rap song due, we will have to see. As they say in the classics ‘only time will tell’!

Alright, as always. To follow for more content see the links at bottom of the site.

Anyway じゃあまたね

Means ‘see you later’ in Japanese


A SMASHING few weeks!


Whose accepting who?