A refresher

January tracking.   How am I going with it?

I might have mentioned my training plan but I'll give you a little refresher...

So the structure is:  progression  e.g. increasing distance or elevation till I reach around 250km-300km per week. When I reach that level I will start to try and decrease the number of days it takes to reach around 240kms. Ideally, by the time we start making our way to Western Australia in early July it would be 240km within 3 days. The main reason for this is so I'll be totally fit as well as getting past the long, long stretch of the Nullarbor in as few days as poss.

Right now I would say I’m tracking exceptionally well. A major stepping stone was achieved over the last three weeks.   I’ve gone from 90km’s in a week to 150km’s (this was done in 5 days) and it consisted of a long 70km ride from Port Fairy to Portland. Was a solid sesh I’ll tell you that! Started at 10 o’clock and arrived in Portland around 4:30 pm. The travelling time was relatively good, averaging 12.5km/hr which was okay and I was happy just to make it to the destination!


It was a little bit freaky going on the A1 coming out of Port Fairy to Yambuk because there is a lot of up and down and the road doesn't give you much shoulder (side of the roads). I wasn’t afraid of the semi’s, they know what they are doing. It’s some of the middle-sized vehicles that I was freaked out about, the closest they got to me would have been 40cm or so…. All in all, I made it through though, and that’s good enough!

There’s more to come on the A1 and there is more to come of those long arse rides!

This week I’m returning to Port Fairy, I am actually writing this blog on the train! So I’m aiming for 150-160kms in 4 days so 40km a day.  That’s the plan anyway.  Although I’m going to say ride to Koroit aåaand then back as opposed to going back and forth along the golf course route. More wind resistance going one way instead of having bouts of it. Also, another reason I’m heading down to Port Fairy is fewer traffic lights! Well none actually…  My god it actually kills me every time with all the stopping and starting!  Anyway next week it’ll be 180km’s but that’s the ‘next’ level of training, gotta tick off the first box then I can move on, a bit like any video game really…

On that note, I’m off, got a lot to do!





A shout out to GoPro