Ballarat Preparation
Going into this Sunday's Ballarat Cycling Classic I feel well underprepared in all honesty…
My training has been a bit stagnant, it’s just been extremely difficult to gain some momentum, it seems like everytime I start ‘seeing the other side’ a wall comes out of nowhere and blocks my view….
I have no doubt in my mind I can do this however it will not be in the time I want… I’m putting my guts on the line to go out on a limb and say 13kms/hr would be my target, anything higher great, anything lower poor. High bench mark for me and at this stage looking unrealistic…. But this might just give me the motivation on the day that I need to perform.
Only time will tell, I'll have to wait five more days to find out.
Anyway I'm thinking of changing my training style after this Sunday, a whole new game plan.
Lost my mojo, think this is because too much of the same daily grind - oh yeah got 9000kms of it ahead!! Bugger…..